Publikuar: Nën 27 2019 12:14

Sonuus b2m midi converter


Publikuar: Nën 27 12:14
Shikime: 1
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Per porosi dergoni keto te dhenat :
Emri , Mbiemri , Nr.Kontaktues , Adresa e juaj , dhe Qyteti.
Ne kete ,e-mail : [email protected]

Specifikacionet :
Following on from the success of the G2M, the B2M brings affordable and reliable MIDI capability to bass guitar. We have been inundated with requests for the B2M and we are sure this will bring delight to bassists the world-over. With ultra-low-latency, and unmatched affordability, the B2M breaks new ground in MIDI performance for bass players -- it will even track a low B (which is only 30Hz)!
• Any electric bass guitar can be used as a solo MIDI controller.
• No instrument modifications or special pickups required.
• Robust note detection — minimises wrong notes.
• Very low latency & very fast tracking.
• Fast, accurate MIDI pitch-bend or chromatic mode.
• Built-in tuner for standard bass guitar tuning (4–7 strings)
• Battery-powered with long battery life.
• Compact, lightweight and portable.
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