Publikuar: Jan 19 2018 09:49

AVR R 448

Publikuar: Jan 19 09:49
Shikime: 12
Shunt power supply: max 150V - 50/60 Hz
- Rated overload current: 10A - 10s
- Electronic protection: (in the event of
overload, short-circuit, loss of voltage sensing)
this acts to restore the value of the excitation
current to 1A after 10 s. The alternator must be
stopped (or the power switched off) in order to
reset the protection.
- Fuse: F1 on X1, X2.10A; slow - 250V
- Voltage sensing: 5 VA isolated via transformer
@ 0-110 V terminals = 95 to 140 V
@ 0-220 V terminals = 170 to 260 V
@ 0-380 V terminals = 340 to 520 V
for other voltages, a transformer should be used.
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