Publikuar: Dhj 13 2024 10:20

Tastier Fold me Bluetooth (per IOS,Android, Windows)


Publikuar: Dhj 13 10:20
Shikime: 40
Tastier me Bluetooth qe palohet shume e pershtatshme me: Android, IOS, Iphone, Windows

Product Name: VONTAR 033

- BT version: 3.0
- Material: Metal+ABS
- Interface and connector type: Bluetooth
- Power type: lithium-ion battery
- Lithium-ion battery capacity: 140mAh
- Working voltage: 3.7V
- Standby current: 0.25mA
- Use key the working current: less than 3mA
- Use touchpad the working current: less than 8.63mA
- Working distance: 3m
- Response speed: no
- Button material: ABS
- Anti-ghosting number: no
- Keyboard layout: 64 keys (include touchpad)

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