Publikuar: Korr 25 2023 11:02

FRISMA Ndërrresht me spërkatës herbicid


Publikuar: Korr 25 11:02
Shikime: 4
Growing plants is a task that requires attention to every detail. Adequate protection against weeds it is a necessity nowadays, that is why plant growers have always been looking for facilitations in their daily work. To improve work and achieve better yields, an inter - row attachment with herbicide sprayer will be very helpful. This is a machine designed for chemical weed control in inter-row crops while protecting the tops or leaves of vegetables. It has been designed to provide the user with all the functions necessary for the correct and safe performance of plant protection treatments on ridges, flat terrain and fields. The machine is designed to be attached to the tractor's front or rear three-point hitch. Between the troughs protecting the tops or leaves of vegetables, there are spray heads with nozzles, powered by the sprayer.
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