Publikuar: Sht 08 2019 05:19

Artech Soundhole Pickups


Publikuar: Sht 08 05:19
Shikime: 3
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Per porosi dergoni keto te dhenat :
Emri , Mbiemri , Nr.Kontaktues , Adresa e juaj , dhe Qyteti.
Ne kete ,e-mail : [email protected]

Specifikacionet :
WSH (Wood Soundhole Humbucker) pickup is the wood passive humbucker magnetic soundhole pickup. WSH12 has 12 adjustable pole pieces to control individual string balance. WSHD has the real solid wood cover. Comparing sound with WSH12, WSHD has more bright, less bass and middle. WSHD is excellent for rhythm guitar sound such as clean rhythm tone of folk rock style music. Alnico 5 magnet is used to get clear and sensitive string response. Special gauge formvar coil is wound with exact turns and DC Resistance for the natural acoustic- electric guitar sound. Slim size humbucker bobbins are used for the modern simple shape. WSH pickup is produced for simple installation on your guitar. This pickup’s size is specially measured and produced to fit many different sizes of guitars. From the slim body size to the Dreadnut guitar, you can make natural smooth acoustic - electric guitar sound with this soundhole pickup. WSH mounts quickly and easily in the sound hole of any round-hole steel string acoustic guitar. WSH`s mounting brackets keep the pickup in place and protect the soundhole. You can use an endpin jack or the one which can be connected with endpin. WSH is carefully produced that original natural acoustic guitar sound is not affected. This pickup offers excellent bass and mid-range response.
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