Publikuar: Sht 08 2019 02:34

Danelectro D5 FAB Chorus


Publikuar: Sht 08 02:34
Shikime: 1
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Per porosi dergoni keto te dhenat :
Emri , Mbiemri , Nr.Kontaktues , Adresa e juaj , dhe Qyteti.
Ne kete ,e-mail : [email protected]

Specifikacionet :
Danelectro has always had a heart for musicians with small wallets. Nevertheless the Danelectro units always have their own character, which by no means comes across as cheap. With the FAB chorus you can adjust subtle to rich analogue chorus sounds using the Mix, Depth and Rate controls that bring the 80s back to life. And the design turned out great - somewhere between retro and sci-fi (but more Star Trek: Enterprise than Star Trek...)
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