Publikuar: Nën 27 2019 12:11

Laney LV 300


Publikuar: Nën 27 12:11
Shikime: 2
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Per porosi dergoni keto te dhenat :
Emri , Mbiemri , Nr.Kontaktues , Adresa e juaj , dhe Qyteti.
Ne kete ,e-mail : [email protected]

Specifikacionet :
You'll want your playing to be heard. That's why we amplify the sound of this beautiful tube driven preamp with a 120 watt output stage, that can deliver into a 4 ohm load, allowing you to connect up to a 4x12 as well as the internal 12" Celestion Seventy 80.

Power: 120 Watts
Inputs: 1x Jack
Channels: 3 (Clean, Drive 1 and Drive 2)
Equalisation: Independent Bass, Mid, and Treble for Clean and Drive
Bright Switch: Yes (Clean Channel)
Reverb: Yes, with independent level controls for Clean and Drive
Footswitch: Custom 3-Way (Included)
Speaker connections: 1x Jack (8 Ohms)
FX Loop(s): Yes
Drivers: 1x12" Celestion Seventy 80
Cabinet Design: Chrome corners, rubber handle and rubber feet
Scoop Switch: 2 (Drive 1 & Drive 2)
Tube Fusion Techlogy: ECC83 Preamp Valve
Headphone Socket: No
Weight: 18 Kg
Dimensions: Width 578 x Height 478 x Depth 258
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